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How can running Facebook Ads with Index help your business in Vaughan, Ontario?

Target your ideal audience with Facebook Ads by Index in Vaughan, ON

With targeting options more precise than any other platform, advertising on Facebook is one of the most cost-effective investments your business can make. Facebook Ads drive immediate results, as long as you know what you’re doing! See what working with an agency experienced in Facebook Ads like Index can do for your business in Vaughan, Ontario. 

Are Facebook Ads with Index a good fit for the business environment in Vaughan, Ontario?

Situated just north of Toronto in the Regional Municipality of York, Vaughan is the fifth-largest city in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with a population of 306,233 as of the 2016 census. European settlers first entered this area of Ontario in the 1790s, but Vaughan Township wasn’t incorporated until 1850, when a municipal government was established. Today, the city is the GTA’s third-largest employment center after Toronto and Mississauga.

According to the city website, the municipality offers growing markets and a business-friendly government with a balance of reasonable costs, taxation, and regulations. To support economic growth, the city has attracted investment in infrastructure such as rapid transit, highways, and the new Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital. The local economy is based on manufacturing, construction, retail and wholesale trade, and transportation and warehousing. 

In a growing economy, it’s worth running Facebook Ads with Index because 80% of all internet users have some kind of presence on Facebook. When you advertise on Facebook, one of the most effective digital marketing platforms in existence, it enables you to reach exactly your target customers. 

Why use Facebook Ads in Vaughan Ontario? Index has the answers  

No matter who your customers are, in Vaughan (ON) or somewhere else, they are using Facebook. While 50% of all internet users are on mobile, over 84% of Facebook users access their accounts via a mobile device. With more than 2.7 billion monthly users worldwide, Facebook is the place to be if you want to reach your audience where they are every day.

Are Facebook Ads by Index right for you business in Vaughan, ON?

When you advertise on Facebook, it’s important to focus on the right people when targeting, as we do at Index. With Facebook Ads, the more niche and narrow your audience, the better the results and the better your ROI. You want to attract people who are likely to make a purchase. If your audience is too broad, you’ll be paying for someone who clicks on your ad only to discover they don’t  want what you’re offering.

Facebook Ads are among the most affordable and cost-effective forms of advertising available. What’s more, it’s easily measurable. You’ll be able to see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions you get. You’ll be able to see exactly what traffic you’re driving to your website and what visitors do when they get there.  

Why trust Index with your Facebook Ads in Vaughan, Ontario?

Facebook Ads can work for you, too. But it takes time to master the complex art of creating ads that work best on the platform. 

Why use Facebook Ads by Index in Vaughan, ON?

The experts at Index employ advanced Facebook strategies such as A/B testing, remarketing, lookalike audiences, and conversion rate optimization. We help you create effective ads and continually optimize your campaigns in order to obtain the best possible results. To be able to measure performance, and track visitor behaviour, conversions, and other activities, our Facebook Ads specialists will install the Facebook pixel on your website. 

Index has successfully increased qualified traffic and leads for companies of all sizes in sectors such as the automotive industry, education, finance, insurance, and retail. With our offices in downtown Toronto in addition to Montreal and São Paulo, Brazil, we are familiar with the GTA market like Vaughan, Ontario. 

If you want to successfully advertise on Facebook, contact us today to discuss your advertising needs. Our services are also offered in French, helping you reach consumers all across Canada.