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Website Optimization

Significantly increase traffic to your website

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Website optimization is the art of ensuring a good ranking in search engine results.

It is painstaking work that requires time and meticulous attention to detail. But the results are convincing: . Since traffic translates into an increase in sales, it seems logical to make search engine optimization a priority for your business.


Website optimization is similar to visibility on a highway. Suppose you have a company located in Toronto and you hire an advertising agency, which then designs an excellent billboard for your business. You have invested time and money in the design of the billboard. It is only logical that the billboard is well located. The same rule applies to your website. A quality site deserves good visibility.

Why have you taken the trouble to build a website? Probably to give information to your potential customers, to keep in touch with your regular customers and, ultimately, to increase profits. For our agency, a well-designed internet site deserves to be fully optimized for search engines (SEO). Otherwise, we believe it is unnecessary to conform to the principles of good website design.

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How ?

In the event that your site was designed by an agency other than Index, we study its architecture and construction as well as analyze the content of each page in order to identify the best keywords for search engine optimization.

We then rework the textual content of the site as well as lines of HTML code so that content and code are perfectly consistent.

Depending on your field of activity, we may have to analyze the competition your company faces on the Web. In some cases, we may have to develop strategies to mitigate the advantages and exploit the weaknesses of your competition.

Specifically, we will have to change the structure and hierarchy of your website. Such a redesign is intended, once again, to ensure that the most relevant keywords are put forward so your site is more visible on search engines.

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The Index formula for quality website search engine optimization is:


The website must be designed to meet the stringent requirements of search engines and the W3 (World Wide Web Consortium)


A balance must be achieved between keywords used by visitors and content, while ensuring the textual content is concise and accessible for your visitors


The site should be designed as a network. There must be inbound links that point to your domain name and internal links within the site

Contact our agency to learn more about our website optimization service.

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