
Digital Marketing Hot Topics – Edition #17

Every week, our experts analyze the trends, updates, new tools and functions of digital marketing world. What do you need to know from last week’s web news? Read them all here!


The biggest SEO secret: how to create content that attracts backlinks?

Are you familiar with “linkbait”? This article covers the key points to attract more backlinks. Do you need advices on how to create quality content? Do you want to know how to define your audience? Well, this article will answer all your concerns:

What are the strategies that you need to follow for Google’s AI?

You have probably already heard about the Google’s new Artificial Intelligence? In this article, experts share their ideas and strategies to keep up with this new technology. Get ready for it by adopting some strategies from:

It’s the end of the year: here’s the SEO holiday checklist

Christmas holidays are around the corner, which means snow, Christmas tree and family meals are coming your way! But before all this, you should not forget to keep your SEO campaign active. Here’s a list of actions to be completed to beautifully end the year and start 2018 full of energy!

SEO Holiday Checklist: Things You Need to do Before the Year Ends

How to choose between Error 404 and 301 Redirects?

Have you ever found yourself on an Error 404 page and not know what to do next? Or landed on an Error 404 page that was really cool and you wanted to stay on it? The author of this article, Clément René, proposes some recommendations to avoid 404 errors, and also how to create 301 redirects in order to keep the visitor’s interest so that he continues browsing on your website.

It is now possible to obtain a list of indexed pages!

This news is a mini revolution in the SEO world! Before, it was impossible to obtain the precise list of all the indexed URLs by Google. But in its newer version, Google Search Console will provide a more precise and detailed report on indexation.

Robots.txt and SEO : what are most common difficulties?

The robots.txt file can be used for referencing websites. If you wish to learn how to use robots.txt, if you want to improve your traffic, or even if you want to improve your site’s performance, find out all the answers here:

The SEO guide for e-commerce

This guide will rapidly become your reference, especially to find keywords in the context of e-commerce. It’s time to update your techniques. Try the proposed tools right now!


How to increase your Facebook Ads conversions?

Here are some examples which will help you increase your Facebook Ads conversations:

  1. Set your location in your posts
  2. Provide free content
  3. Talk to your audience

This article will help you improve your Facebook campaigns with small tricks like design synchronization, A/B tests and creation of interest intersections. Grâce à cet article vous allez pouvoir améliorer vos campagnes Facebook avec des petites astuces comme synchroniser le design, faire des tests A/B et créer des intersections d’intérêts.

6 ways to boost your AdWords and Bing traffic

The most important ones include creating dynamic posts with a countdown timer in AdWords and Bing, to communicate deadlines, events, or sales. Other ways include in-market audiences, or similar audiences using customer CRM data.

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