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Marketing Training for the 1% Training Law (Job Skills Act)

Are you looking to offer marketing training for the 1% Training Law? The 1% Training Law, also called the Job Skills Act, indicates that an organization must invest a part of their payroll in the development of its employees, which includes marketing training.

Since 2015, companies with a payroll of $2 million are required to invest a minimum amount of $20 000, or 1%, in marketing training within the same calendar year. Otherwise, the company is obliged to contribute to the development and recognition fund of the Job Skills Act. Investing to improve the skills of employees is essential for any manager or entrepreneur to stay up to date with the new technologies and new developments in each respective field.

Is it possible to take these training courses online?

As specified by Emploi-Québec, the objective of this 1% law is to improve in-company training, and, thus, comply with the Job Skills Law and to promote employment, adaptation and professional integration, as well as the mobility of workers. Training with web trainers is an efficient and productive way, especially in these trying times, to advance your employees in their careers.

This is a great opportunity for your company to expand its human capital and acquire new skills.

Is Index approved by the Job Skills Act?

Index agency is now one of the training organizations approved by the Commission des Partenaires du marché du travail for the purposes of the application of the 1% Training Law, promoting development and marketing training with our expert web trainers, and, thus, promoting the recognition of the Job Skills Act.

This grants us the right to offer training in the field of marketing for an investment of 1%, more specifically in web marketing. Several training courses are available to you, such as training in organic SEO, media buying campaigns, WordPress programming, etc. Contact our firm of experts for more details.