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Retargeting Services

Get more value from your PPC campaign (AdWords and Facebook Ads)

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What is the Retargeting ?

Retargeting (also known as remarketing) targets users who have visited your website but who did not perform a desired action (purchase, registration, contact, and so on) while there. Remarketing offers them online ads that are more personalized and so attempts to “convert” them.

As a result, you can compile a list of types of prospects, based on different criteria and, by placing cookies on their browsers, you can then target them with customized advertisements that will be displayed when they visit other websites!

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Improve the results of your AdWords campaigns!

Unlike many other methods of online advertising, remarketing on the Google Display Network, can be extremely useful for improving your brand image and reputation, as well as for generating direct responses because customization creates a message more relevant to the user.

Contrary to what one might think, this technique is not intrusive for website visitors because you can set a weekly limit on the frequency at which the user sees your ads.

In addition, it has been shown that visitors who have been targeted by remarketing are 70% more likely to make a purchase than those who have not!

Consequently, retargeting is an excellent way to improve the conversion rates of your online campaigns.

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Continue the conversation on Facebook!

One of the most common criticisms associated with Facebook advertising is its low conversion rates, especially concerning purchases, compared to other forms of online advertising. The facts, however, tell a different story. Facebook is actually considered particularly effective with regard to brand image and brand recognition, building a fan base and information flow.

So, if Facebook is an effective way to reach out and to establish a connection with a prospect, retargeting is an excellent technique for continuing the conversation with your website visitor.

You can display advertisements customized to those visitors and prospects. You can offer the opportunity to learn more about a particular product (for which they have already shown an interest by visiting the website) or you can offer a direct response to one of their needs!

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Let’s start targeting visitors !

Index Web Marketing is an Internet marketing agency that provides customized advising and internet services for your online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), website design, and social media marketing strategies.

Start winning back previous visitors now by contacting our firm. We are easily accessible by car from Montreal, Laval and the South shore.

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